Catedral Metropolitana - Metropolitan Cathedral

The Cathedral is located in Av. República do Chile 245. Open daily between 07.00 and 18.00. Mass is at 11 on weekdays and at 10 in weekends.
To get there one can get off at metro station Carioca (or Cinelandia) during daytime in weekdays or drive by car during evening in weekends.
(Particularly Sundays after sunset one should be conscious where one is going in downtown Rio).

Looking like a cup turned upside down it looks significantly better on the inside than on the outside. The cathedral is the seat for the archbishop of Rio de Janeiro.
The Cathedral was sanctified in 1976. The cone shape gives great acoustic. Inside there is room for 20,000 people.
Height of the Cathedral is 75 meters on the outside, 64 meters on the inside, 106 meters in external diameter, and 96 meters in internal diameter.

Internally there are four vertical windows. The green window represents the unity with one´s God. The Red window symbolizes the one saint Jesus Christ. Yellow is symbolizing the four races, and lastly the blue glass window represents Saint Pedro.

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